Tomorrow at noon my baby brother and I head off to Kansas. We’ll stop in Bethany, Missouri to check out an antique shop he likes (arrowheads), then go to St. Joseph for the night. The next morning we will leave at Oh-God-Thirty and drive through the Flint Hills on our way to Hutch. That day I have a 2 hour preview of the State of Now Conference, a meet and greet at the Salt Mines and a speaker dinner at the Airport Lounge. Thursday, Jon will take me to the Fox Theatre for the State of Now Conference and pick me up when it’s done. Then we head to the Cosmosphere for same after event fun. Friday we head to Gloss Mountains in Oklahoma and on Saturday we get the Moos and Booze Cruise from Becky McCray. Finally, we head home – route undetermined as yet.
My baby brother is 52, loves hard rock music, walks fields to collect arrowheads and is more stubborn than I am (imagine that). We have not been on a road trip without Mom and Dad – in about 45 years. This could be a grand adventure or … a dismal failure. We’ll either love each other more or … never want to talk again. I’m voting for the grand adventure! Jon will get to meet some of my geeky friends and maybe see why I think the way I think. I’ll get to hear his stories and I’m sure laugh a lot. We’ll both get to see the countryside on the back roads. Back road traveling runs in our family – we all love it.
It will be an exercise in looking for the good, of letting go. It will be another adventure made possible because I’m a brand ambassador for the State of Now conferences. It will be the merging of online and in real life.
My brother is the one in the striped shirt above – this picture was taken at a family reunion 3 years ago.
This is fabulous! It does seem you are combining the best of both of your own interest. How did you talk him into do this?
My younger sister and I love to travel together, Mr. Bruce is the driver.
Thanks Linda – just a quick update: no one is dead or even injured! So far we are getting along, enjoying the riding/driving and only arguing about bedtime. Jon is in favor of 7 pm, and I make him stay up until 10. 🙂