I met Adam Erwin through a Google Alert. Google will inform you whenever anything hits the waves about any subject you are looking for. I have several Alerts, and the one Adam came in on was Melaleuca. I checked out the article, read his blog and gave him a call. Adam does personal training. January 1 is literally right around the corner, and the biggest resolution is always to lose weight. Take a listen to what Adam has to offer – and just maybe we can figure something out together!
Tell us a little about yourself. I’ve been freezing to death in Minneapolis for 10 years now…must be a slow learner. Family is in St. Louis…I miss my fam and Cardinal baseball!
How did you get into personal training? Through my years working at GNC as a store turnaround specialist (managing a failing store until it succeeded, then moving to the next failing store), I came across many personal trainers who were absolutely clueless on nutrition and supplementation. Since nutrition and supplementation is 90% of the battle for most people, I figured I should combine my love for weight and sports training with my nutrition background and provide people with a well-rounded trainer who could better assist them in body change.
Why do I (or anyone) need a personal trainer? Everyone needs a coach. Even professional athletes, who are the best in the world at what they do, have coaches. As a personal trainer, I provide know-how, focus, motivation, and accountability. Studies prove that people have more success in body change when they work with a personal trainer.
How do you incorporate Melaleuca products into your training regimen? For myself, I use their multivitamins, fat-burning bars/shakes, and protein. I recommend their cholesterol, blood pressure, and stress formulas to clients (in addition to the items listed above), depending on their health needs. Good company, great products.
What kind of programs do you offer? My main focus is individualized boot camps. I will fly/drive to a client, stay in their city for the amount of time hired, and build for them the perfect nutrition and exercise day. I help them execute their perfect day for as long as I am hired. The results are phenomenal.
I am also working on a virtual boot camp to be launched in mid-January of ’09. These clients will be able to take advantage of my body change program and can have me walk with them through the program, minus my physical presence for their exercise.
What are some mistakes that people make when trying to get in shape? People tend to focus too much on exercise and not enough on portion control on foods and what their beverages look like. By simply tracking caloric intake for a day, most people are blown away at how many sneaky calories they consume. Consumption is 90% of the battle!
What are your websites – and what should I do with them? The main website is www.keepyourbetterhalf.com. Look at the programs I offer (there is also room to create a unique program that is different from what is listed, depending on how a client’s needs can best be met). Also, I blog at http://fatburnexpert.wordpress.com. I leave clues on the blog regarding how to lose fat, gain muscle, and finally fit into those jeans that have been calling your name since high school.
You’ve got an ebook coming out this month. Tell me more! The ebook is called “The Little Book on Fat Loss and Weight Loss” and it contains the pieces of the puzzle for effective and long-lasting body change. The ebook lays out how to build your nutrition day and how to exercise to maximize fat loss, weight loss, and body change. It is the equivalent of me calling up a client everyday to whisper very specific reminders in their ear. It is designed to get people on track and keep them on track to looking and feeling their best!
Adam, thank you for your time. Is there anything I’ve forgotten? I’d love to do a weekend boot camp in your neck of the woods and help as many people as I can at one time! I am curious to know if there is interest in that idea.
Oh yeah, how does someone get in touch with you? I can be contacted via my website and blog. Thanks Deb!!!
Great article! I am adding to my goals for 2009, wow 2009, to have him come to my city and do a training. Yes, it is true that my partner Billy is also trained in this medium, but friends and lovers should not also be coaches. It just doesn’t work.
Thanks Deb for this great interview.
Erin in Chicago