I’m going to SOBCon09 May 1,2 and 3rd. In Chicago. You do know women in Chicago like to look good. I’m a tall woman of some size. Proud of it. A big challenge for me is finding clothes that fit around my hips and pants that are long enough. I finally found some killer jeans at JC Penney – Worthington brand.
I got a brilliant idea. What if JCPenney sponsored my wardrobe? Wouldn’t that be great for both of us? Lots of pics and posts about the brand, where I got them, reactions to them. Sounds like a good marriage to me.
I looked all over for a marketing site for JCPenney. www.jcpenney.com The first thing you see is a letter from Mike Ullman promising to deliver quality and affordable prices. Wow! That’s what we need! I can help market that idea. I went to the contact us button and clicked on email us. Then I chose Community Relations, wouldn’t you think that’s where a contact would be for me? Hmmmm …. when you click on that contact page – it takes you right back to the first contact page! I did email customer service the following email:
I bought a pair of Worthington jeans, size 24. I LOVE THEM! Perfect fit, great look. Here’s what I’d like to do. I am a blogger (www.debworks.com) and will be attending the SOBCon blogging event May 1,2, and 3 of May in Chicago. www.sobevent.com I’d like JCPenny to sponsor my wardrobe. It’s not often you can find great looking clothes for big women – and you’ve done it. Why not sponsor my outfits for the three days? I will take pictures, video blog it, and write about it as well. A small investment on your part, for a big return. Please contact me at 641-580-0103. My name is Debra Brown and I look forward to talking to you!
Let’s see what kind of response (if any) I get………….
Posted in events, SOBCon 2009
Great idea and a great post! I am looking forward to their response AND your wardrobe 🙂
Thanks for the comment – I’ll keep you in the loop! I was very pleased that JCPenney had clothes that would fit me –I am also looking forward to their response!