October 8 at 8:30 am there were 23 senior design students from Iowa State University in Webster City. They partnered up with local small businesses to help improve the brand image of each business. The Chamber of Commerce has been working with Professor Paula Curran and Susan Erickson, Place Coordinator at Iowa State University to bring this project to Webster City. Deb Brown, Chamber Director, said “We’re pretty excited about this project. It’s an opportunity for our businesses to have a set of young, fresh eyes create a new design for their store fronts.”
Each student worked with the business to analyze the existing store front and then design a new identity that will communicate a lively contemporary message to current and potential customers. They considered how this new identity can be applied to signage, both on the storefront and perpendicular to it. The students will redesign the storefront to complete the new look, and apply the new identity to the store front. This is graphic design; they do not work with store interior.
Products expected from the class include 2-5 copies of a written and illustrated report and a pdf file. The report will include design proposals. Design proposals will include identity design, sign design and facade redevelopment suggestions.
Darcy Swon, inTandem Marketing, said “If you were to bring a professional in for this service the costs could range into several thousands of dollars. The cost for Chamber members is only $50! You are also investing into a student’s future career. “
The Downtown Design Project has moved to the next stage. The 23 students involved are wrapping up their work and will be giving a presentation to the stores involved and any member of the community who wishes to attend.
Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the College of Design in room 130 each student will give a 5 to 7 minute presentation. They will show the retail space, outlining existing conditions, detailing issues and showing the redesigns. Each presentation is about 12 slides. There will be a few minutes for questions, and then they go onto the next student. The students who are not able to attend will have pre-recorded their presentations.
The participating merchants are:
- Osweiler’s
- Webster City Church of Christ
- Critter Nation
- 2nd Street Emporium
- Grid Iron Family Grill and Sports Lounge
- Heart ‘n Home
- Home Appliance and Television
- Ron’s Computers
- ReSale by FRAS
- InTANDEM Workspace
- L.T. Redemption
- Moriarty Dental Group, PLC
- North Central Turf
- R Company Boutique
- Shanti Wellness Day Spa
- Stony Creek Landscapes
- The Produce Station Studios
- Webster City Area Chamber of Commerce
Steve Struchen of Home Appliance and Television said “I’m very excited to see what they come up with for the design of the back of my building. In addition to the design I need to work on water flow off of a steel roof and I’m curious to see how they work that into the design. Then the front of Ron’s Computers is aged and we are looking forward to the new design our student comes up with.”
There is no charge to attend, but the Chamber would like you to preregister. You can call 832-2564 or register online at http://www.visitwebstercityiowa.com/events-calendar.htm
I’m so excited that Webster City was apart of this program. I know this is one of my Mom’s favorite classes to teach each fall.
I was thrilled to be able to talk and work some with your mom — looking forward to Wednesday and our presentation of their projects!