April 23 is the 2nd Annual State of Now Conference in Des Moines. It starts at 8:30 am and goes all day. I’m the organizer and co-host along with Jeff Pulver.
There will be speakers that talk in ten minute increments and the day flies by. We’ll talk about agriculture, education, serendipity, business, media, reflections, music and more. There will be lunch, live music at noon time by Adam Lee of Adam Lee Music and some of the most passionate, phenomenal people you’d ever want to meet.
People like:
Scott Kubie who will tell how creating his resume in a Tumblr format got him a job.
Mark Cuddy who shares the story of how funeral homes use the internet for good.
Liz Nead will talk about how her grandfather did business in the last century and how she shares a passion with him that helps her do business today.
Jennifer Wilson will tell us how she used social media to publicize her book.
And that’s just a few of the presenters. Wait until you see the rest! If you think you’d like to spend 10 minutes telling us how the technology of now has made a difference in your life, we’d like to hear more. Please fill out the form at http://desmoines2012.140conf.com/call-for-speakers Calls for speakers end March 1 – so you still have time. You don’t have to be a professional speaker. We only want you to have a desire to share your story with us.
Tickets are on sale for $40 until April 1, when they will go to $70. Students will always pay $14. Anyone can attend – and we welcome you!