
Twitter Monday Updates

Twitter is a social media application found at  Here’s a few tips to follow and a brief listing of some things I’ve learned on one day. 

Twitter Tips:

#followfriday  this is where you recommend people to follow and put #followfriday at the end of the twit — PLEASE tell us why we should follow those people!
Wrote a new blog post?  What is it about?  Don’t just tell me you wrote something.  Tell me why I want to read it.
Talk to people.  Don’t blast out your marketing info on every tweet.  People hate that.  Let us get to know you.
Do NOT have a DM sent automatically when someone follows you.  DM is for direct messages you really don’t want anyone else but the reader to see.  Not for the “Hi, thanks for following – here’s my website” information. 
Remember, a lot of people are reading what you write.  Some might even be future employers.  

What I Learned on Twitter on Sunday
What is really, really good is coarsely cracked pepper (very coarse, like pepper corns wrapped in a towel and bang them with a pan) mixed with honey and poured over Feta cheese. Yummy. Try it.  My friend LynnO suggested this treat.  
Bob Burg has a new book called The Go Giver.  Here are the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success (which are restated at the back of the book):

1) The Law of Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
2) The Law of Compensation: Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
3) The Law of Influence: Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.
4) The Law of Authenticity: The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
5) The Law of Receptivity: The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving. 

What the stimulus bill will do for everyday Americans: just click here.
@Debbas is going to interview me!  I will also be interviewing him.  
@justinlevy consented to an interview as well.  He is Partner and General Manager of Caminito Argentinean Steakhouse in Northhampton MA.  
@garyvee is now following me.  He’s got the most amazing podcast over at Keynote Kid. 
It’s the one in NY Web 2.0 Expo   I watch this several times a week.  Originally found it on twitter – and then saw it again today from following a link sent by @justinlevy
Levar Burton quit smoking.  And he’s back on the small screen on Lifetime.  @levarburton
Cloud computing — interacting directly with the web.  In the future they predict you won’t need a hard drive.  You will store all of your information online.  Read more about it here.
Veni, vedi, tweeti.  thanks @dcrblogs!