What is the 48 hour follow up? If you are partnered with a work from home business, you have clients/customers. They need ( and deserve) your attention. The 48 hour follow up is one of your most important first business meeting!
Here’s how it works in my business. I set up accounts for a company. I work in the consumer direct marketing business. I’m always looking for people who want to work at home. I look for people who are engaged in their lives, that are excited to be living, that are entrepreneurs. They will be my business partners – so I need to like them too!
Once I meet a possible business partner, I either give a presentation, or connect the person to a live presentation via telephone or internet. They are ready to go – we do the paperwork and they have become my business partner. They receive a business kit, emails and a lot of information. I give them homework.
The next day, I touch base. How much have you read in your business kit? Are you keeping a list of questions? Have you begun your marketing list? I chit chat a little, ask after the family, and make an appointment for the next day to go over their homework, answer their questions and set up their game plan.
its crucial to stay in touch in the very beginning
sometimes they are fuzzy the next day on what you told them in the presentation
the next day go over what they heard and answer the questions they now may have
set next appointment for 48 hours
What do you do at a 48 hour follow up?
Your new business partner has a ton of questions by now – at least you hope so! That’s a good indicator they are active in getting involved in the business end. So you answer their questions. You also go over their homework (this will vary from business to business). Then the fun begins.
Determine what their goals and dreams are. Spend a lot of time here. Dig deep.
What are their goals? Get a better idea of what it is they are hoping to achieve and why.
The first response is usually a surface response, their why is more important.
How much time, how much income in 12 months from now – is it realistic with their goals.
What is their long term goal?
Start dreaming a little more – what will that income do to enhance their life.
The money is never the why, it’s always deeper than that. The one who gets them dreaming the most wins the most.
The dreams start at the presentation and continues with the 48 hour follow up.
Create the belief they can achieve their goals. Have them see, feel their dreams to solidify it in their minds.
Create believe in
Turn visions into reality.
Make sure they have all your contact info,
get email and add to distribution list,
start their friends and family marketing promotion,
refresh the promotion,
tap them into company sponsored trainings – get the involved early and often.
Help your business partner form success concepts.
It may be several days before they get their business kit so plug them in before that.
Get them on team calls and any business sponsored activities (we have calls, trainings, online information)
Reiterate the importance of realizing this is a business – not a hobby. (start here)
start them writing their mission statement (start here)
They need to hear the company info over and over – get them on presentations!
The 48 hour follow up is the single most important activity you can do.
They must see the benefits of partnering up with you to do business.
Good ideas must be driven into practice with courageous patience. They don’t come automatically.
The 48 hour follow up must be adjusted according to your business. I do most of my 48 hour follow ups over the telephone – don’t let distance stop your success! This post should get your started. Have you done all of your business activities before you try to teach someone else?
Picture info:
penguin picture courtesy of http://www.icanhascheezeburger.comPlease visit them – they are hysterical!
dream picture courtesy of alicepopkorn at flickr.com